Thursday 7 October 2010

"Stan, don't forget to poke your grandmother"

Too often the Internet gets a free pass and is relegated to a weird far off mystical virtual realm that is somehow psychologically segregated from everyday life. Considering that in the past 5-10 years iPhones and Blackberry's have forced their megalomanic behemoth schlongs into our greasy hands with all the intimidating force of a grunting alcoholic PE teacher as he ushers you balls first over the Pommel Horse, this partition between the 'real' and the 'virtual' seems hopeful at best as the two have converged to the point where they are no longer that distinct, just kind of all mushy and together in a troth of shit.

Without jumping head first into academic debates between Live vs Mediated (Phelan vs Auslander) it seems that this pretense of 'what happens online stays online' acts as a convenient means of getting away with fucking murder (which can of course be funny as hell). Now this isn't to say that we here are apposed to net neutrality, open source and freedom of information and generally using the Internet as place of continual good and funny shit that doesn't take itself too seriously, quite the opposite in fact.

We here harbour a secret love of Trolling as a healthy antidote to those that take the Internet way too seriously and put it on a pedestal as the saviour of all our woes. However, to some extent the same rules of generally being not a terrible person apply online as they do, in you know, everyday life. Really, it's pretty basic stuff like; don't shout racial slurs at people in public places, don't fuck kids or look at other people fucking kids, don't declare loudly in a bar that "all women are objects and should be treated accordingly". In real life its likely that if you transgress any of these rules then someone will probably call you out on your shit (hopefully). On the web however, stuff goes unnoticed, gets lost and slips through the cracks and that means that at times people seem to reckon that their bigoted garbling won't come under any scrutiny, and for the most part they're right...

Here we handover to the website 'People who said nigger today', a website dedicated to unveiling "privileged whites using, often with intentional malice, the word nigger" online. See the web-site's FAQ for a full explanation of its purpose, but its basic function is screenshots of people being super racist on Facebook. It sounds preachy, but it manages to avoid those pitfalls through its bluntness and refusal to bow to any sense of 'oh ho doesn't the Internet produce some gems' (which it of course does), whilst avoiding any pompous, apologetic chest beating.

There' s hardly anything revolutionary about the site, or the sentiment of 'don't be fucking racist duh brain', but it does act as a nice antidote to the monstrosities of sites such as the now felled Fit-Finder (barf). Those types of site have become emblematic of an approach within the casual practices of the net that resembles a skinless, jizz covered Lizard groping and spitting its way over a pile of rotting fruit as it barks out the ramblings of a semi-senile colonel berating the 'natives'. PWSNT rather it seems is a healthy way of making visible the myth of the Internet as a separate entity where your bullshit doesn't count (not us though, we don't count, we get to do what we want, poorly and you can't say a damn thing about it).

All that being said there is nothing worse than whiny little bitches with skinned knees crying to the Internet police that someone was mean to them. A healthy general rule to go with might be 'be funny', so over to you Louis CK to explain things much better than, well, anyone.


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