Occasionally a band comes along that changes the face of music forever. A band that blurs genre's in a perfect and heady concoction that leaves you and your friends gasping on your knees like a pack half puking, half crying piss-mutts, begging with your tongues and your bodies for just one more song. Final Placement, a Christian rock group hailing from Midland Texas are not one of those bands. There's nothing particularly offensive about them, they doesn't polarize people, they're not even crassly mediocre. They're just really
really shitty.
We (in the Royalist of senses) were in a punk band when we were 15. It was called Cutout and we sucked hard. We did even manage to get on a local compilation with a song called Clowns. The point being, we understand what it's like to be in terrible bands when you're a teenager, some would say it's even a right of passage, so in a strange way we feel for these young chaps. The difference being however, we had the foresight to burn, bury or ingest any evidence of our flirtations with the horror show that was our band. Final Placement put their's on Youtube.
To be fair this might actually be a joke, a satirical jab at people who feel the need to slam bands that no-one has heard of on a blog that no-one has ever read. The problem being, we here at The Mansion have become detached to the point of autism (that line is stolen from somewhere, we can't remember where) so are hanging up the gloves, in the ring of 'trying to understand what the fuck is real and what is fake on the internet' so have decided there's no point anymore. The only thing that suggests to us it might be real is that the band removed the video from youtube after receiving what can only be described as a tidal-wave of degrading abuse from Internet folk, only to put it back up when they realised that it made them look like a bunch of tiny bitches. Our personal favourite is from Tommy Briscoe who quips;
"This is a joke right? A bunch of talentless god botherers, that's all we need!! Why doesn't anyone tell these idiots that rock and roll wasn't meant for them. Now go get me a fire breathing whore!!!"
Oh Tommy, you card.
It might be a joke, it might not be, who cares? Here's Final Placement with their new single Shine. In store's probably never.
This might become a rolling topic. If you know of any bands that are so shocking that they need to be brought to the attention of other Internet people then post them below and we'll showcase the shit out of them.